Staff Contacts

Alec Uzunovsky


Anita Tuzlukovic

Program Manager Inclusion

Lily Chun

Accounts / Administration

Vesna Cvijanovic

Business Manager

Yana Thompson

Homeless Accommodation Support worker

Alicia Asic

Supported Transitional Accommodation worker

Victoria Mashonga

Children in Homelessness support worker

Ayesha Shoukat

Youth Settlement Officer

Teresa Zemek

Employability Skills worker

Erika Von Kaschke

See Me See You Program Lead

Wendy Ross

Manager Mental Health Wellbeing

Sarah Leary

Senior Mental Health Lead

Debbie Reynolds

Mental Health Advocate

Stephanie Silla

Mental Health Advocate

Tess Seymore

Mental Health Advocate


CaLD Counsellor

Community Education Facilitator

Contact us


We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of our nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work.

Child Safety Statement

Multicultural Futures have an unwavering commitment to Child Safety. Our foremost priority is to create a secure environment for every child, regardless of their background. Our commitment is reflected in our child focused policies, practices, and training and responding to children and families in a culturally safe and responsive way.
We actively work towards ensuring the well-being of each child, employing stringent protocols to address their unique needs.
At the heart of our mission lies continuous improvement and accountability, as we seek to uphold the highest standards of child safety within our organisation.